Saturday, February 28, 2009


"Up in the studio just me and my drank!!!"

I'm back in the lab! Me and Meth Wun been killin it going on 5 hours now. New tracks coming as soon as I mix them. HustleAndGrindTV poppin off as soon as I edit the new footage. We back in the bitch!!!!


Monday, February 23, 2009

Studio, Here I Come

I'm headed back to the Bat Cave this weekend. This Takeover might happen sooner than expected. Dead ass though, I'm so ready to get this shit cracking. Meth Wun said he got some shit lined up, so be on the look out for those shits sometime next week. I'm bout to a fool on the pro tools... Anybody remember that Hustle and Grind TV shit I tried to start... I might have to revive that shit. Or not. We'll see.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

"In 10 Years, I'll Be The Greatest, The Hottest, I'm Sincere"

Man I'm in a such a mood to black out. Writer's block is a bitch. Like real talk. I've spent like, the last week and half trying to finish thing "SAG" shit. It's coming together slowly but surely. I have yet to start "Verses The World." It'll all be worth it though. Haven't had a chance to listen to that Drake shit yet, I been OD'n on StH. Nigga droppin 3 cd's in a week? "Now That's Grinding" lol. I need to do a show. I think I'm bout to make that happen.


Friday, February 13, 2009

My Terrible Fucking Week Just Got Slightly Better...

New Sonic
New Drizzy

Shouts out to the Dopest, Sonic, and October'sVeryOwn for the links.

These tapes, my bottle of Absolut, and a bag of greenery - This is going to be the greatest day in mixtape history... that is until my shits drop. Dead ass.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Lifestyle Needs A Lifestyle Cuz I'm Like Fuck The World

Charles Hamilton is that nigga.

It's so hard to find time for this music shit in the midst of all this class work. Physics is kicking my ass and Calculus isn't any better. I'm really trying hard to finish these projects I swear. These time constraints suck though real talk. I've got just about all of "SAG" written, just haven't started recording any of it. "The Re-Introduction has a few tracks ready to go, but far from finished, and seeing as how that one is first, it's putting the other two behind. Everytime I put out a cd I tell myself not to make a deadline... but it seems when I do that it never gets done.

I need to move back home so me and my studio can be reunited once and for all.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hi Haters I'm Back Off Hiatus

Pardon my absense. I was creating some heat. But I'm back though. Waiting for the girl to come through. I'm wildin' right? I bet ya'll trippin right now, lmblackao. The Re-Introduction coming sooner than you think.


Sunday, February 1, 2009


This Superbowl is as boring as I thought it would be...

Is it bad that I'm writing hits instead of watching the game?
